Dreams vs. Reality

Is it a dream? An illusion? You decide...

As I watched this movie, I kept thinking of what I would do if I were in this situation. Naturally, I would probably think it were a dream, like what Phil thought. However, he later accepts his repeated days to be real (reality).
How can he be sure, though, that this is in fact his reality? Just like Descartes proposed, our own minds can play tricks on us, so how are we to know what is a dream or reality?

That’s a good point! Phil can’t believe his eyes that it’s the same day again, so he asks Rita to slap him. However, according to Descartes your senses can’t be trusted, so him being slapped by Rita doesn’t prove that his repeating Groundhog days are in fact real versus just a dream.

However, also according to Descartes, he can prove his existence by the principle of Cogito Ergo Sum. Meaning, if you are thinking or have doubt, you exist. Therefore, since Phil is able to question whether he exists and if what he sees is real, then he must exist.

URL: https://blogs.psychcentral.com/healing-together/files/2017/06/iStock-464316143.jpg
